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De la: KATILIM BELGESİ/CERTIFICATE <kongrebasvurusu@gmail.com>
Date: joi, 30 dec. 2021, 03:38
To: <deniplant@gmail.com>
De la: KATILIM BELGESİ/CERTIFICATE <kongrebasvurusu@gmail.com>
Date: joi, 30 dec. 2021, 03:38
To: <deniplant@gmail.com>
Sayın hocam,
Kongrede sunmuş olduğunuz bildiriye ait katılım belgesi ilişkide bulunmaktadır. Sağlıklı günlerde bir sonraki kongrelerimizde görüşmek dileğiyle.
The participation certificate of the paper you have presented at the congress in attachment. Hope to see you in our next congresses in healthy days.
Kongre Koordinatörü
Congress Coordinator
Gülnaz Gafurova
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