miercuri, 27 noiembrie 2019

Polenoplasmin pentru cainii cu probleme la coloana



Rasa bichon

Varsta 5 ani

Greutatea pana in 5 kg

Tinut in curte sau la bloc: la bloc

Daca are fisa medicala cu vaccinuri la zi :are fisa si a fost vaccinat in fiecare an

Istoric boli anterioare: nu a avut

Diagnostic actual pus de un medic veterinar:, afectiuni la coloana , paralizie picioare fata.

Cand s-a declansat boala prezenta, brusc sau treptat:  brusc

Tratamente urmate pt acesta:  injectii cu pedinson 

Simptome actuale(paralizie completa sau partiala, mers deplasat, etc): paralizie totala fata

Daca are puncte dureroase sau sensibile de-a lungul coloanei vertebrale. Da la inceputul coloanei

Daca mananca   da

Daca are diaree da

Daca are febra  nu

Daca raspunde la stimuli, intepaturi, mangaieri da

  Istoricul si evolutia bolii sub tratamentul naturist

    Duminica 01.12.13 a inceput usor sa nu se mai miste. A inceput cu plansete, de durere pana nu a mai putut sa se tina pe picioare.

    I-am facut radiografie si medicul a spus ca are mai multe afectiuni la coloana, paralizia lui este pe fata, labutele din fata nu si le mai poate misca deloc.

     Pe 02.12.13 am chemat un alt medic si i-a facut o injectie cu predinson urmand sa il chem a doua zi

      I-am administrat incepand de luni seara preparatul naturist de trei ori pe zi. Marti nu s-a vazut nimic, nici o reactie, ci numai a plans toata ziua. Miercuri dimineata a inceput sa se tarasca la usa sa-l scot afara si dupa ce a facut pisu am vazut ca ar vrea sa se ridice. L-am ajutat sa se ridice insa nu a reusit sa stea singur. Joi dimineata ne-a trezit dand cu labutele in usa semn ca dorea sa iasa afara . Spre bucuria noastra a tuturor catelul statea singur in picioare agitandu-se .L-am dus afara la pisu in brate si lam lasat singur aproape un sfert de ora.

       I-am mai dat inca 6 zile cate doua doze pe zi , apoi nu i-am mai dat deloc pentru ca nu a mai fost cazul.


marți, 26 noiembrie 2019

Polenolasmin pentru paralizia animalelor de companie

Polenoplasmin este un remediu natural marca Deniplant care actioneaza ca modulator al microbiomului intestinal la animalele de companie cu afectiuni neurologice.

luni, 18 noiembrie 2019

Natural Modulation of Intestinal and Cutanate Microbiome in Patients with Psoriasis


VOLUME  8 2019 NUMBER  2
ISSN 2285 – 4169

Biodiversity and nature conservation
Biology of development
Cell and molecular biology
Genetics and bioevolution
Marine biology
Plant and animal physiology
Academiei Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România
Bucureşti, 2019

6. Gheorghe GIURGIU, Manole COJOCARU
Natural Modulation of Intestinal and Cutanate Microbiome 
in Patients with Psoriasis  ………………………………………………………

Natural Modulation of Intestinal and Cutanate Microbiome 
in Patients with Psoriasis

Gheorghe GIURGIU1*, Manole COJOCARU2

1 Deniplant Aide-Sante Biomedicine Center, Bucharest
2 Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest
* Corresponding author e-mail: deniplant@gmail.com

Through the modulatory effect on the body's immune system, the intestinal and cutaneous microbiome exert influences on the skin homeostasis. The microbiome exhibits beneficial actions in the body under conditions of eubiosis, however, when dysbiosis occurs, the microbiome can trigger various autoimmune, metabolic, neurological conditions (eg allergies, eczema, asthma, psoriasis, diabetes, central nervous disorders). This can happen when fragments of microbial DNA cross the intestinal barrier and reach the bloodstream and even into the nervous system. Although modern medicine is trying to modulate the microbiome, to use it for the treatment of certain conditions, this has not been achieved so far. By using antibiotics and other medicines, the microbiome can be severely affected by affecting the health of the body. In the last five years, discoveries in the field of genetics and immunology have allowed the initiation of new studies on the role of the intestinal and skin microbiome in patients with psoriasis. Using natural herbal remedies and fruit tree buds, we developed a natural modulator of the intestinal and cutaneous microbiome with which it was able to slow down and even stop the evolution of psoriasis, without ointments or other drugs and without food restrictions. Thus, the path has been opened to the realization of functional foods (nutraceuticals) with dual role: nutrition and health, which can naturally modulate the activity of the human microbiome, restore the eubiosis, the processes of cell restoration and healing of the organism.
Key words: microbiome, psoriasis, autoimmune diseases, natural remedies, functional foods (nutraceuticals).

(1) The paper presents new ways of preventing and treating psoriasis disease through the natural modulation of the intestinal and skin microbiome.
(2) Although psoriasis is a disease that has been present for hundreds of years, dermatology treats it as a strict skin condition and for this reason the treatments are generally aimed at healing the surface skin.  For this reason the cure of the disease is only partial, with multiple relapses and extensions.  Although we are trying to find an effective treatment of internal causes, so far this has not been achieved and for this reason the psoriasis disease is classified as incurable.
(3) With the help of phytotherapy and gemotherapy, respectively with medicinal plants and fruit buds, acting on the dysbiosis of the intestinal and skin microbiome, it can intervene on the immune system and the process of apoptosis of the epithelial cells and by triggering self-healing reactions in the body,  psoriatic lesions disappear by themselves.
(4) During the last five years the discoveries in the genetic and immunological field, have allowed the initiation of new studies regarding the role played by the skin and intestinal microbiome in the patients with psoriasis.  Thus, Golden Staphylococcus or Pyogenes Streptococcus may induce maintenance or exacerbation of psoriasis lesions.  An important role in the occurrence and maintenance of psoriasis lesions is also the microbial flora of the intestine, through the systemic effects exerted by it. Studies have shown increased bacterial diversity in patients with psoriasis compared to healthy subjects, with reduced Actinobacter colonization and predominant cutaneous Firmicutes, which may characterize a phenotype specific to chronic inflammation found in psoriasis. When dysbiosis of the gut microbiome occurs, microbes and metabolites in the gut induce regulatory T cell and lymphocyte reactions, which facilitate an anti-inflammatory response. Studies have also been performed on translocation of some fragments of transgenic DNA into blood samples in patients with psoriasis.  This suggests that new outbreaks of psoriasis may be related to the presence of bacterial DNA circulating in the blood, originating from the intestinal lumen.  Healthy intestinal bacterial composition may reduce intestinal permeability and the risk of bacterial DNA translocation.
Literature review on the topics covered
In the history of mankind, often after a great discovery, it took many years for decision makers in that field to accept and promote the value of discovery. This is what happened with the discovery of the microbiome with which we are contemporaries. In 1958 the biologist Joshua Lederber defined the term "microbiome", for which, at the age of 33, he received the Nobel Prize. Why, for 50 years, the medical world has not given importance to this discovery, and it was not until 2008 that the European project entitled MetaHIT was launched, which led to the discovery that people also differ by the bacteria that live through them, not just by  blood type elements.
Dusko Ehrlich, (1) project coordinator at MetaHIT, explains why the microbiome will play an important role in personalized medicine: ''by analyzing the genes of the organisms that live in us, physicians can identify unique aspects of each patient, which will allow conception  of personalized treatments''.

Another microbiologist, Julian Davies, (2) from the University of British Columbia, states that: "the effort for a better understanding of the microbiome is the most important scientific project of all time".
In 2018 researchers from three countries, Belgium, Holland and Malta wrote a well-documented psoriasis and microbiota: ''Psoriasis and Microbiota: A Systematic Review'' (3).  The purpose of the paper was that, through a thorough review of the literature, to discuss the skin and intestinal microbiota and to redefine their role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.
1. Following the research, it was concluded that in addition to improving the course of psoriasis, selective modulation of the microbiota can increase the effectiveness of medical treatments, as well as mitigate their side effects. However, no natural modulation of the microbiome was found.
2. In the paper it is said that in the 1980s, suspensions of the Malassezia ovalis mushroom fragments applied to the unaffected skin of patients suffering from psoriasis induced the formation of psoriatic plaques in all 10 subjects tested (4). 
In the same year 1980, being hospitalized with psoriasis in the Military Hospital, I detached psoriasis shells from my head and body and placed them under adhesive tape on healthy skin to see what was happening.  Well those placards that looked alive did nothing but simply dried.  Maybe I didn't select those mushrooms mentioned above.
3. The paper also presents a recent study by Darlenski et al. (5) that provides information on how to improve psoriatic plaques, after treatment with narrowband ultraviolet radiation (NB-UVB), a conventional systemic therapy for  the treatment of psoriasis. Treatment with NB-UVB has already been shown to cause significant changes in the skin microbiota. I also started treatment with ultraviolet rays.  After treatment the skin healed relatively quickly.  But when psoriasis came up again, UV therapy did not work anymore and then it was used for PUVA rays with the ingestion of Psoralen and Meladiline pills (photosensitizers). After several sessions for 45 days, the lesions disappeared, but not from the whole body, but only where there were large surfaces.  I agree that after such treatments with UV or PUVA when the skin is healed and the skin microbiome returns to normal.  But you see, once there are some injuries on the body, it means that the skin's microbiome is not uniform and in some places it remains damaged. I personally believe that until the dysbiosis in the intestinal microbiome is resolved, even if the skin level is resolved, psoriasis is not cured.  It's just that surface resolution.
4. Regarding the interaction of the microbiotherapy with the allopathic treatment, it is stated that: ''The skin microbiota also interacts locally with local treatment in psoriasis''. During the treatment with Deniplant tea if patients used in combination with cortisone ointments, at first there was a heal of lesion healing, but after a short period the lesions returned to the initial stage.  In addition at one point the body seemed to no longer react well to Deniplant tea because of the cortisone.
My conclusion was that I do not go in parallel.  As with treatments with monoclonal antibodies.
5. In the context of psoriasis, the role of diet (often associated with exercise) has often been promoted by virtue of its ability to modulate and improve patients' psoriatic plaques and treatment effectiveness (6,7).
I also observed in patients who used Deniplant tea and who had fasting, either at Easter or at Christmas fasting, a faster improvement of psoriatic lesions, but at the end of the regimen, the lesions appeared again. If patients permanently change their way of life (food) is good, because those relapses no longer occur.
If during the treatment with Deniplant tea the patients had other medical problems and used antibiotics or other drugs, negative changes were also seen in psoriatic lesions.  Any disturbance of the gut microbiome and the immune system has repercussions on psoriasis lesions as well.
Theoretical foundation
Recent studies (2015-2016) of Japanese specialists confirm the importance of the gut microbiome on antitumor immunotherapy and emphasize the importance of eubiosis (8.9).
The skin microbiome influences the functions of T cells in the skin by producing IL-2 but also IL-17 (10) and modulates memory T cells (11).
Dysbiosis of the skin microbiome can be caused by changes in the skin microbiome, alteration of the skin barrier and immune functions, but also dysbiosis of the intestinal mycobiome.
Since 2010 researchers have been seeking to find oral prebiotics and probiotics with which to influence the axis of the intestine-nervous system-skin (12).
Content of the article
As a result of my own experience, during which for 7 years I was ill with psoriasis, I learned how traumatic this disease can be and what psycho-emotional implications it can have.
Although we did repeated treatments in the Central Military Hospital, at first all the lesions disappeared, but as the disease was chronic and the lesions were on larger areas on the body, even after long-term treatments, the injuries did not disappear completely.
The fact that the doctors told me that this disease is incurable, made me look for solutions in herbal medicine and gemotherapy.
After two and a half years of searching and testing on the body, the medicinal plants and buds of the fruit trees have proved to be the only effective remedy in my case against the internal causes that trigger and sustain this disease.
After obtaining a patent for a process for obtaining a herbal extract for the treatment of psoriasis, we founded the Speranța Medical Foundation with the aim of supporting the activities of those who know the mysteries of nature in the field of medicine and their application for human benefit.

Thus, with the help of scientifically used medicinal plants, the foundation has shown that certain so-called incurable diseases (for allopathic medicine) can be ameliorated or even cured.  The cases of cases solved in Romania, and dozens of cases abroad, as well as obtaining the gold medal at the '97 technical news salon, have proved this.
In 2005 the natural remedies discovered by me receive a name: Deniplant - Deniplant brand with the slogan "Health above all" is registered at OSIM-Romania.  Four years later the Deniplant trademark becomes a Community trademark and the current EUIPO (Office of the European Union for Intellectual Property) is registered at OHIM.
The use of the natural remedies Deniplant by the patients attending recovery sessions based on the treatment from Sovata, emphasized that by intervening on the skin with water and mud from Lake Ursu, the cure of the disease was much faster.
Seeing these results, we began the study to find an explanation of the phenomena that occur within the body and which lead to the healing of these conditions.
Following for one year the courses organized by Prof. Dr. Manole Cojocaru (13) in which the human microbiome was presented, I came to the conclusion that these natural remedies discovered by me act on the human microbiota that influence autoimmune, metabolic and neurological disorders.
The use of water and sludge from Sovata, salt water from Călimănești-Căciulata or mud from Techirghiol, allowed the modulation of the skin microbiome to trigger the reactions needed to heal the skin.
However, following the patients who used Deniplant tea in parallel with the aforementioned procedures, we concluded that only modulation of the skin microbiome cannot definitively solve the problem of psoriasis, if it does not intervene on the gut microbiome.
The intestinal microbiome triggers the modulation of the skin microbiome and if it is influenced from the outside, the results can be amplified (14).
This is also deduced from the fact that in psoriasis when intervening with ointments or other medicines for external use, the skin microbiome is affected, but in the long term the changes at that level can negatively affect the intestinal microbiome and hence those reactions of rebaund and  generalization of the disease.
That is why I think we are facing a new discovery, namely a natural modulator of the human microbiome.
This year, in collaboration with the Aide-Sante Clinic, we set up a Biomedicine Center where we are trying to highlight with medical analysis and evidence this possibility of natural modulation of the human microbiome with the help of food.


(1) Psoriasis being a common inflammatory skin condition, affecting about 3% of the world population, must be treated multidisciplinary and personalized, the microbiome of each patient being a unique entity that responds in particular to the allopathic and naturalistic treatment.
(2) The realization of functional foods (nutraceuticals) with a dual role of nutrition and health, is a desire of both food producers and those who care about human health, because they can naturally modulate the activity of the human microbiome, restore eubiosis,  the processes of cellular recovery and healing of the body.
Although it is known how and where prebiotics and probiotics work, it is necessary to find ways to personalize them according to the medical condition we want to solve, not being recommended in general.
(3) Future research will focus on the relationship between the human microbiome and cellular apoptosis in other diseases as well as the modulation of the intestinal microbiome with the help of dietary restrictions.


[1] Dusko Ehrlich.  June 1st, 2011 The next International Human Microbiome Congress organized by MetaHIT will take place in Paris, March 19-21, 2012, at the Palais Brongniart.
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sâmbătă, 16 noiembrie 2019

Congresul 43 ARA Los Angeles 2019


ARA 43rd Congress

November 15-17, 2019



Hosted and co-sponsored by the UCLA Department of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures, the UCLA Center for European and Russian Studies, and the Romanian Student Club at UCLA


The Congress sessions are divided into two distinct parts:

Part I: Saturday, November 16, 2019, at UCLA, E. Kaplan Hall, Rooms 348 & 311

Part II: Web Conference, online, with participants at their computers.


General Chair: Ilona Scott

Co-Chair: Ileana Costea

Local Chair: Georgiana Gălățeanu-Fârnoagă


Web Conference Chair: Adrian Stoica


Editor-in-Chief: Oana Leonte


Day 1: Friday, November 15, 2019

Welcome Reception 6:30pm-8:30pm (email arainterimpresident@gmail.com)


Day 2: Saturday, November 16, 2019

ARA 43rd Congress Part I – on site Program

UCLA, E. Kaplan Hall, Rooms 348 and 311

   415 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095



Note: Most presentations will be in English. A few will be in Romanian but accompanied

by simultaneous translation. 10 minutes maximum per talk, unless otherwise specified.

9:00 am– 10:00am Opening Session



                             Ilona Scott, General Chair

Ileana Costea, ARA Interim President


Address by Mr. Cosmin Dumitrescu, General Consul of Romania in Los Angeles

Laudatio: Maria Manoliu-Manea 

Doina Uricariu: Omagiul unei foste studente


Memento: Constantin Corduneanu 

Oana Leonte

Vasile Badiu (remote)

Album of precious memories with Academician Professor Constantin Corduneanu


10:00am-10:45am   Round Table on "Innovation & Entrepreneurship"

Moderator: Jacob Segal, Investor Research Group, Los Angeles, California



Adrian Stoica, Ph.D., Founder, Telemediators Alliance, Pasadena, CA 91107, USA  

Bill Bellows, PhD, President, InThinking Services

Cedar Sinai Accelerator Representative

UCLA Venture Accelerator Representative

Children Hospital of Los Angeles Incubator Representative

Ileana Costea, PhD, Cal State Northridge "Art of Innovation" Conference

Two start-ups Entrepreneurs


10:45am-11:00am Coffee Break


11:00am-11:50am  Romanian Personalities' Moments


Session Chair: Ilona Scott


Vlaicu Ionescu, Nostradamian and painter 

Doina Uricariu & Alina Ionescu-Graff: Vlaicu Ionescu - avanpremieră


Sofia Cosma, concert pianist

Ilona Scott


Nicolae-Serban Tanasoca, historian

Filip-Lucian Iorga (Remote): What, in fact, does not disappear

                   Ceea ce, totuşi, nu dispare

                   Ileana Costea: Who was Nicolae-Serban Tanasoca?

             Cine a fost Nicolae-Serban Tanasoca?


11:50am-12:35pm   Film and Art


Session Chair: Rick Meghiddo

Rick Meghiddo, Architect and Filmmaker 

      Meghiddo Architects / ArchiDocu, Long Beach, California

Filmmaking Through an Architect's Eye: Producing architectural documentaries

to educate a broader public in understanding the value of architectural design


Vera Mijojlić, Cultural reporter and film critic

SEEfest Champions: Romanian Cinema in the U.S


Ileana Costea, Director I.C. ART Gallery, & Jerry W. McDaniel, artist

  Romanian posters and banners by American artist Jerry W. McDaniel


12:35pm-1:35pm Lunch Break (A free light lunch is served.)


1:35pm-2:05pm    Ecology Session


Session Chair: Ruth Meghiddo


Radu Popa, River Road Research, Los Angeles, 90039, USA

The New World of Nutrient Recycling

Ruth Meghiddo, Meghiddo Architects, Long Beach California, 90802

       California Green Business

Climate Change Is Everybody's Business: How urban farming can make our cities resilient and prosperous


2:05pm-3:20 pm  Engineering Session


Session Chair: Adrian Stoica


Bill Bellows, PhD, President, InThinking Services

To Infinity (and Zero) and Beyond – Life Lessons in Continual Improvement


Adrian Stoica, PhD, Founder, Telemediators Alliance, Pasadena, CA 91107, USA

Nature Therapy via Telepresence – The AVATAR Chair Project


Virgil Adumitroaie, PhD, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Towards a second Earth: exoplanet discovery and characterization methods


Dinu Leonte, PhD, Poet, Mathematician, Eng. in Power Engineering, CEO BPT

IKIGAI meaningfulness in life


Cristian N. Călugărița, MSME, Senior Program Manager Aerospace Systems

Senior Member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Los Angeles, California, USA

50 Years After First Moon Landing, On A Mission To Mars: From Aldrin's Cycler

to Lockheed's Project Red Rocks


3:20pm-3:55pm  Round Table on "Romanian Communities" (5 min per talk)


Moderator: Vlad R. Ghenciu, Esq


Radio ZZZ

Ben Todica (remote), Melbourne, Australia, inoneb@gmail.com

Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce (RACC), Los Angeles

Vlad R. Ghenciu, Esq., Attorney at law, Los Angeles, CA 


Viitorul Roman Society (VRS)

Ionela Kloes, Los Angeles, CA, https://viitorulroman.com/


Romanians in Los Angeles Organizations

Ady Simion, Los Angeles, CA, Ady@AdySimion.com 


Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church/Biserica Sfânta Treime 

Ing. Ion Anton, Los Angeles, CA , constantinalecse@gmail.com


3:55pm-4:10pm  Coffee Break


4:10pm-5:20pm  Romanian Program at UCLA

Session Chair: Georgiana Gălățeanu-Fârnoagă



Creating European Identity in Romanian Dobruja


Amanda L. Andrei, MFA Student in Dramatic Writing, University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles

Graphite to the Bone: Writing the Generational Trauma of a Filipino Romanian Family


Laura Margareta Luca, PhD Student in Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles; International Relations/Political Science, M.A., Graduate Institute of Geneva, 2019

Global Security Arrangements: A Game-Theoretic Perspective


Georgiana Gălățeanu-Fârnoagă, PhD, Lecturer, Department of Slavic, East European  and Eurasian Languages and Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles

Political statements, cultural highlights, and social values in Romanian language textbooks for foreigners


5:20pm-5:30pm  Onsite ARA 43rd Congress Closing session

Ilona Scott, General Chair

Ileana Costea, ARA Interim President

Oana Leonte, Editor-in-Chief


5:30pm-5:40pm  Break


5:40pm-7:45  Movie time

Remarks by: Vera Mijojlić, Cultural reporter and film critic

Ileana Costea, ARA Interim President


                               Romanian Feature Movie: Puzzle for a blind man, directed by Andrei Zinca (93 min)

       A love story with a twist, or a twisted love story.


8:30pm-10:00pm  ARA 43rd Congress Banquet at a restaurant (each person will pay for her/his dinner)

If you wish to attend  the Banquet make a reservation by email to arainterimpresident@gmail.com or by calling (818)512-3089


Web Session

ARA 43rd Congress, Part II  




Day 3, Sunday, November 17, 2019

7:00am Pacific Time – 2:30pm Pacific Time


Web Session Chair: Adrian Stoica, Email: adrian.stoica@jpl.nasa.gov


Online presentations at Pacific Time (PST)


All presentations will be online and can be seen by all presenters and the attendees of the Part I on the site of the Congress. Instructions will be sent to all by Friday, November 15, 2019.


Important Note:

Talk time: maximum 10 min per speaker. Carefully check the day and time in your country.




Opening Session ARA 43rd Web Session

Ileana Costea, Interim  President



Science / Engineering  7:05am-8:05am


7:05-7:15 3.01

Numerical Modeling and Simulation in the Petroleum Industry: Achievements and Perspective
Vasile Badiu1* and Florian Vasile Badiu2, SPE Members 
1 Volunteer with SPE, ARA and Springer, Campina, 105600, Romania
2 Renault Tehnologie Roumanie, Voluntari 077190, Romania
E-mail: *vasile.badiu@gmail.com


7:15-7:25 3.02

Stochastic microsensors for the assay of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, IL-17 from whole blood samples

Ioana Popa-Tudor1,2,*, Raluca-Ioana Stefan-van Staden1,2

PhD student, Researcher

1 Laboratory of Electrochemistry and PATLAB Bucharest, National Institute of Research for  

Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter

2Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Material Science, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania

E-mail: *ralucavanstaden@gmail.com; johana.popa@gmail.com


7:25-7:35 3.03

Screening test for tumor markers p53,CEA, CA19-9 in whole blood samples using stochastic mode

Ruxandra-Maria Ilie-Mihai1,2, Raluca-Ioana Stefan-van Staden1,2


1Laboratory of Electrochemistry and PATLAB, National Institute of Research for Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, 202 Splaiul Independentei Str., 060021, Bucharest-6, Romania

2Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Material Science, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania

E-mail: ralucavanstaden@gmail.com; i.ruxandra04@yahoo.com


7:35-7:45 3.04

New Trends in Molecular Recognition of Substances of Biological Importance, INVITED LECTURE

Raluca-Ioana Stefan-van Staden

Scientist, PhD, Laboratory Director

Laboratory of Electrochemistry and PATLAB Bucharest, National Institute of Research for Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, 202 Splaiul Independentei Str., Bucharest, 060021, Romania

E-mail: ralucavanstaden@gmail.com    Website: www.patlab.ro


7:45-7:55 3.05

Detection of sweeteners in biological fluids and food samples using stochastic sensors

Alexandrina Lungu - Moscalu1,2,*, Raluca-Ioana Stefan-van Staden1,2,

Jacobus Frederick van Staden1

1Laboratory of Electrochemistry and PATLAB Bucharest, National Institute of Research for Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, Bucharest 060021, Romania

2Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Material Science, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

E-mail: * alex_ly15@yahoo.com


7:55-8:05 3.06

 Fast Screening Test for the Assay of Antibiotics in Water POSTER

Mariana Mincu, Raluca-Ioana Stefan-van Staden

Scientist, PhD, Laboratory Director

Laboratory of Electrochemistry and PATLAB Bucharest, National Institute of Research for Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter

 E-mail: ralucavanstaden@gmail.com



Medicine and related topics  8:05am-8:45am


8:05-8:15 3.07

Fast Screening of Bladder cancer biomarkers using stochastic sensors

Damaris-Cristina Gheorghe1*, Raluca-Ioana Stefan-van Staden1 

1Laboratory of Electrochemistry and PATLAB, National Institute of Research for Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, 202 Splaiul Independentei Street, 060021, Bucharest-6, Romania

E-mail: *gheorghe.damaris16@gmail.com


8:15-8:25 3.08

Neuroimmunomodulation of the Intestinal Microbiota in case of paralysis in dog

Gheorghe Giurgiu*1, Manole Cojocaru2

1 Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, 012371, Romania

2 Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, 031593, Romania

 E-mail: * deniplant@gmail.com



8:25-8:35 3.09

Composite human mind and composite human society

Gheorghe Dragan

Ph. D., physicist retired

Bucharest, ROMANIA

E-mail: gdf.dragan@gmail.com


8:35-8:45 3.10 

From qigong to energy medicine and psychology

Doina Tetcu

Physicist, Bucharest, Romania

E-mail: dtetcu@yahoo.com



Economy 8:45am-9:25am


8:45-8:55 3.11

Brief Exploration of the Evolution of Factors Impacting Professional Judgment in Financial Audit

Delia Deliu

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, West University of Timişoara

Timişoara, 300115, Romania




8:55-9:05 3.12

Social Responsibility versus Social Liability –  Conceptual Delimitations regarding the Financial Auditor's Challenges. A Philosophical-Juristic Approach

Delia Deliu

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, West University of Timişoara

Timişoara, Romania



9:05-9:15 3.13

Strategies and sustainable solutions for a healthy future economy

Adriana Paduraru (Horaciu), PhD Ana-Maria Campandaru (Andrei)

Doctoral School of economics and Humanities, Targoviste



9:15-9:25 3.14 

Financial Information Transparency and Publicity II

Horia Cristea

Professor, DHC, PhD, Accounting expert, Financial auditor

West University of Timișoara, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Timişoara,  Romania



9:25am-9:40am    Break #1  15 min


Romanian Personalities  9:40am-9:50am

9:40-9:50 3.15 

Brâncuşi'masterpieces (Capodoperele lui Brâncuşi)

Ana Trestieni

Poet, Writer, Translator, Mathematician, Freelancer. Bucharest, Romania.

Email: trestieniana@yahoo.com



Education Part I  9:50-10:10am


9:50-10:00 3.16

Didactica predării viorii la elevii de vârstă instrumentală mica

De la Profesor la Maestru in Arte

Interviu cu doamna profesor Galina Buinovschi, domeniul învăţământului violonistic 

Nina Munteanu, Violin Teacher

National College of Art "Octav Băncilă", Iași



10:00-10:10 3.17 

Dezideratele Educatiei Artistice in Invatamantul  European Contemporan

Doina Badica

Cello teacher

Schools of Arts, Targoviste, Dambovita county, Romania




Linguistics and Literature 10:10-11:00am


10:10-10:20 3.18

Toponimia minoră – în pericol

Anca Andrei – Fanea, PhD,

București, România

Email: faneaandreea@yahoo.com


10:20-10:30 3.19

Un blog de scriitor – ilazu.blogspot.com

Ion Lazu

Writer, Writers' Union of Romania (Uniunea Scriitorilor din România)

Bucharest, Romania

Email: ion.lazu@gmail.com Website: http://ilazu.blogspot.com/


10:30-10:40 3.20

Portret: Lidia Lazu – actriță și poetă

and Lidia Lazu reading poems

Ion Lazu, writer, and Lidia Lazu, poet and actress

Writers' Union of Romania (Uniunea Scriitorilor din România)

Bucharest, Romania

Email: ion.lazu@gmail.com and  lazulidia@yahoo.co.uk


10:40-10:50  3.21

Book review: Romanian Literature as World Literature

Mirela Roznoveanu

literary critic, writer and poet, journalist

Email: mirela.roznoveanu@gmail.com


10:50-11:00 3.22

Art and Faith: V.V. Voiculescu's Poetry

Monica Grecu

Prof. Emerita, University of Reno, Reno, Nevada

Email: grecu@unr.edu



History Part I  11:00am-12:00pm


11:00-11:10 3.23

Mănăstirea Stelea din Târgovişte– lăcaş de cult şi şcoală

Andreea Fanea

Biblioteca Centrală Universitară „Carol I", Bucuresti, Romania

Email: faneaandreea@yahoo.com


11:10-11:20 3.24

Invăţăturile lui Neagoe Basarab – prima  lucrare românească de  pedagogie

Andreea Fanea

Biblioteca Centrală Universitară „Carol I", Bucuresti, Romania

Email: faneaandreea@yahoo.com


11:20-11:30 3.25

The cultural heritage of the Dalles family in Bucșani, Dâmbovița county

Corneliu Marculescu

History and geography teacher

"Dora Dalles" School of Bucşani, Dâmboviţa County, Romania


11:30-11:40 3.26

Un Pictor in Altarul Culorilor

Nicolae Petrescu-Redi

Writer, Writers' Union of Romania, Ploiești, Romania

E-mail: petrescuredi@yahoo.com


11:40-11:50 3.27

Camera in hand stories of Romanian recent history, 1989-2019

Doina Tetcu

Physicist, Bucharest, Romania

E-mail: dtetcu@yahoo.com



Law 11:50am-12:00pm


11:50-12:00 3.28

Solving Conflicts through Mediation

Beatrice Blohorn-Brenneur

Was Judge at the Court of Appeal of Grenoble and Lyon, France

E-mail: brenneur@gmail.com


12:00pm-12:15pm  Break #2   15 min


Ecology  12:15pm-12:25pm


12:15-12:25 3.29

Transportation – Ecology

The Sky Way ecologic transportation system

Mihaela Viorica Chiriac

Sky Way project collaborator

E-mail: mchiriac9@gmail.com 


Architecture 12:25pm-1:05pm


12:25-12:35 3.30

A Course in Stereotomy

Irina Margareta Popovici


Bucharest, Romania

Email: popovici.irinamargareta@gmail.com


12:35-12:45 3.31

Adaptive architecture. The interactivity and  impact on the user.

Ionuț Dohotariu

Arhitect, PhD Student

"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, 010014, Romania.

E-mail: i.dvdohotariu@gmail.com.


12:45-12:55 3.32

The Department of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Sciences

Ionuț Dohotariu

Arhitect, PhD Student

"Gh. Asachi" Tehnical University, Iași, 700050, Romania

E-mail: i.dvdohotariu@gmail.com


12:55-1:05 3.33

TETH – Technological transformation hub: Society and architecture on the brink of a new technological era

Vlad Constantin Tudor


"Gh. Asachi" Technical University, Iași, 700050, Romania.

E-mail: tudorvlad94@yahoo.com



History Part II  1:05pm-1:15pm


1:05-1:15 3.34

Situaţia refugiaţilor polonezi din România în timpul Celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial

Marius Iulian Petraru

Associate Professor, Geography Department

California State University Sacramento

Sacramento, CA  95819 USA


Education Part II 1:15-1:45pm


1:15-1:25 3.35

The Unevenness in Academic Appropriation in the Humanities

Ileana Alexandra Orlich

President's Professor of English and Comparative Literature and Director of Romanian Studies

Arizona State University, Tempe , Arizona

Email: orlich@asu.edu


1:25-1:35 3.36

Teaching Romanian Prepositional Constructions to Students of Other Languages

Ionuț Geană

Visiting Faculty at Arizona State University, Romanian Studies Program

Tempe, AZ 85281, USA

E-mail: geana@asu.edu or ionut.geana@litere.unibuc.ro


1:35-1:45 3.37

Multilingualism in the 21st Century: A Progressive Paradigm

Andreea Cervatiuc, PhD

Applied Linguist, Academic, Author, Researcher, and  Educational Leader

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

E-mail: andreea.cervatiuc@ubc.ca



Social Sciences  1:45-2:05pm


1:45-1:55 3.38

The Roma Peoples Project at Columbia University

Cristiana Grigore 

Founder of the Roma Peoples Project at Columbia University, Research Scholar and Writer,

Columbia University, New York, USA

Email: cristiana.grigore@columbia.edu or cristianagrigore@gmail.com 


1:55-2:05 3.39

Blueprint for Social Entrepreneurship

Stefania Magidson

Author, Searching for the White Magician, Spiritual Psychology and the Manifestation of Destiny

President, Blue Heron Foundation,

University of Santa Monica, Los Angeles, USA

E-mail: smagidson@blueheronfoundation.org


Closing of ARA 43rd Web Session 2:05pm-2:30 pm

Ileana Costea, ARA Interim President